Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow; woe; whoa

Today something white and slushy fell from the sky and made the ground white and slushy too. It may have been snow, but it tinkled like crystal in the trees. But either way I'm home from work. And I made scones. Coziness ahoy!

However, such rare luck is not without a downside: the devil collects his share for every accident of luck. Our grocery store has stopped carrying Peet's coffee, so as far as I'm concerned, that's the end of writing, boatbuilding, and consciousness in the morning. I exaggerate, says you? Never in life, quoth I. For lo, in days past I wrote words on this very topic and now I am sore afraid.

Or is it little more than an excuse, any excuse, to stop writing? The danged book is so inconsistent: one day I can't stop thinking about it and scrawling notes like "K. sulks at implications of story; brother also failed." And other days it's like trying to chew gravel and whistle at the same time.

But like the parabolic swaying of a slender willow branch in a gale, so too arcs my luck back to positive, or at least neutral. For behold! I have seen the Coraline trailer, posted on Laini Taylor's blog, and it. is. awesome. Probably not something to watch alone in a dark house, though.


Laini Taylor said...

chew gravel and whistle! that's too good!

Anonymous said...

Snow be us too! We're grateful for every flake that floweth from the sky, even if some of those "flakes" clink upon landing. Order coffee in bulk and lo--storeth in the freezer.

Anonymous said...

Ice Storm '09? I heard all the big stuff was, of course, up in Pennsylvania. Mid-Atlantic dodges another one! Whew!

Of course, our "cold" out here is soon going to give way to 80 degrees. Eighty. In January. [resisting urge to dance around and say Nehnehnehneh Neh Neh].

Sam said...

Glad to hear the scones worked out! I like baking them at altitude as they get super fluffy. I had to stop reading Coraline, it was too scary. I will resume reading it during daytime hours when other people are around...